[diesel] Blame it on my youth

December 8, 2023
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AO: diesel
Q: Sony
PAX: Mayhem, Rockslide, Roomba, Sun Drop, Penalty Box, Lambeau, Sony
FNGs: None
Usual warmup stuff, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Nightclubs, Potato Pickers

This looked better on paper when I wrote it…
Head over to the parking lot lines and we’re doing some ladders… Note to future self when I pull this weinke back out again, plan to go to 10.

15 lines, starting with the bricks in hand.
Bird flaps between the lines. At each line, front raises, counting up the reps per line. So all told, 120 front raises…. Q didn’t think the math through on the next ones.
Run it back with lunge walks and monkey humpers… Audibled this to 12 lines (78 reps)
Back to the COT for some Thor (Big Boy Situps + 4 American Hammers at the top) and swap out to the blocks
Back to the 15 line ladder with 3 curls between each space, squats on the line (120 reps again… should have known better)
On the return, overhead presses on the lines (Audibled down to 10 lines, 55 reps. The shoulders are burning)
Return to COT for some recovery work cause Q was overdoing it. Some pickle pounders, LBCs and chest presses.
Over to the ledges for the usual ledge work (as Rockslide predicted the weinke perfectly so YHC had to change the last exercise), step ups, dips, and incline merkins.
Back to COT for some Sloooooooow curls and good mornings with the blocks, pass it around the PAX for their favorite Mary, then Q, realizing that he’s 12 years junior of the rest of the PAX (and was already suffering), closed out this terrible idea that sounded much better with some firewater last night with some stretching (winter broga can still be a thing)

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