[dromedary] 3 Falcons and wasps at the camel for an F3versary

May 22, 2024
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AO: dromedary
Q: Das Boot
PAX: Dana, Centerfold, Das Boot
FNGs: None
What had happened was:

Wednesday was a surprisingly light day across Waxhaw but 3 brave PAX posted at Dromedary to shoot for the FALCON.

We started at the rock pile where YHC got the surprise of a new wasp nest on the underside of the rock. We know to look for snakes, but now wasps?! After some debate and Dana and Centerfold having away, YHC stepped in and crushed the nest and the five sleeping wasps and we began.

What is the falcon?
– SSH x 14
– Then 4 rounds of 26x
– Flying squirrel
– American Hammer
– Lunges
– Curls
– 1x 400m lap
– No cheat merkins
– Finish with another SSH x 14

This was a tribute to an FNG in St Louis who fell at COT and died. Whoa.

This was a tough workout and we almost made it through it but were a little short thanks to the wasps. Tough but we had some good conversation while recovering on the run.

This was basically YHC’s 8th F3VERSARY and how better to weinke than to think about the teamwork, the service, the sacrifice we see as F3 invigorates make community leadership?

We’re surrounded by HIMs and we didn’t even see every bit that guys give. We’re blessed, so go out and serve and share this with others.

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