[stateline_dysfunction] Stateline week 2 down

June 11, 2024
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AO: stateline_dysfunction
Q: Kid Rock
PAX: Hot Yoga, Damascus, Flip Phone
FNGs: None
Getting right into things…
YHC had The Board of Dysfunction filled out and ready to go.
A little more focus on lateral movement and a good balance glute/quad/hamstring today.
We had another first timer in Hot Yoga, who we may start to see hit a few more West side running AO’s in the near future.
I’m gonna call out everybody who needs to be here, and hope to see you all next week. I can plan an on site coffee for afterwards if I can get takers!
HC for Tuesday 6/18, and if we can get 10 PAX I will supply the on-site post workout coffee
Spread the word- invite your fellow PAX….
Goodfella, Rubbermaid, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Paper Jam Posse, Robocall, Singlet – Justin Nelson, ChatterBox, Fester, Chopper, Dunkin, Cliffhanger, Carb Load, Swedish Chef