AO: _bike
Q: Endo
PAX: Hall Monitor, Rag, Rockwell, Bratwurst, Magnolia, Falcon, Titanium Plates, Kick Stand, Peaches, Mustard, Endo
FNGs: None
What had happened was: Dropped in to the New and Improved Trail Head Entrance that involves a hard banked right (approximately 84.4 degree precision engineered angle ). Over the hill, through the woods, and across the river to the familiar land of Lenny. The Pax voted to have me out front however I quickly squirreled my way out of that by making a wrong turn and Rag assumed the lead position. Rag is no slouch when it comes to hill climbing so he already had our heart rates at around 186 by the top of Lenny. Magnolia decided to take lead down to the half pipe as he was planning some kind of insane half pipe gap jump at the end, but I was too far behind to see what actually happened. In my mind I’m assuming Magnolia achieved a 15′ jump or something like that. Anyhow I took the lead back up Lenny warning the PAX that I’ll hold us to a very relaxed pace, and my favorite quote of the night was from Hall Monitor whom said “You were not kidding when you said slow” LOL. We ventured to the New Frontier! The PAX got to enjoy a nice scenic tour of 12 mi creek that is the beginning sections to “The Great LOOP.” Kick Stand reminded us of what real endurance looks like as he was not ready to let off on the gas yet as he speedily shredded through the great river flats / piedmont of the Cutty trails. As always it comes to a point that we need to start thinking about getting back to COT so Titanium Plates took the lead up a long power line climb that everyone thoroughly enjoyed. And actually if my memory serves me correct maybe this is where Magnolia took the lead into the half pipe for his 15′ jump, not earlier in the ride like I described below. I am all about journalistic integrity so I’ll be glad to truthfully issue a correction. Back at COT Hall Monitor honored Rag with the Stumpy Service award for Rag’s strong dedication to flowy trails. We also worked on some kids bikes for the bike, clothing, and furniture giveaway happening in Kershaw, SC 3/23 at 10am. If you want to be a part of that there are more details if you scroll to some past posts on the bike channel. See you next week!