Posse pulls in with 1 minute to spare but some how takes 5 minutes to get out of his car to join us???? While he will argue he was on time today – I say he was late. On time is leaving with the group and that he did not do.
1/2 mile mosey followed by 30 SSH’s and some stretching. Threw in an old baseball stretch in there and didn’t hear many complaints so may go back to it in future Q’s.
Springsteen 7’s:
Bear crawl 1 parking space for 1 merkin, Crawl bear two parking spaces for 6 in and outs. Repeato until 6 merkins and 1 in/out. (I forgot how bad these suck, especially on an decline, but I was quickly reminded.)
Mosey back to where we stretched to catch our breath and do 50 63 air presses since a certain pax thought it would be cute to miscount (any wild guess who that would have been?).
Mosey to the double cul de sac area for a triple nickel. 10 Merkins in on “sac” and 10 big boys on the other “sac” with 1 burpee in the middle. The distances were further than I remembered. Time was getting low, so we recovered once our first Gazelle got all 5 in.
Back towards to pool stopping at street lights for 15 squats.
Thrice up for 10 partner rows rotating pax at each mailbox (a reminder that grip strength lowers with age unless you masterbate as much as (_____insert pax name here…..Hooch?) then you don’t loose it.)
Reverse lunge walks up the trail back to COT.
Enough time for Kraken Burpees (thanks Das for the name reminder) before time ended.
– Glad to have Punxy back out. His mumble chatter was low but Posse made up for it.
– Rooster lead the Gazelles today.
– It was good seeing Legal Zoom. He woke most of the neighbors with his running stride and unlike most pax, 3.5 years of marriage has not resulted in much of a weight gain for him.
– Noonan was the quiet assassin today (did I spell that right? Ass Ass in????) Not much chatter but got after it.
– Das attempted to interject and always has a good line or two.
– Posse crushed the partner rows but I’m not too fond of his double hand grip near his crotch when it was my turn to row.
– 2.5 miles at a 45 minute bootcamp ain’t too shabby. Thanks for allowing me to lead today boys. Last Call needs some Q’s….go sign up.