[ruckus] No tardies…..kind of

March 2, 2025
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AO: ruckus
Q: Hatchet
PAX: Hatchet, Deadwood, Catfish, Posse, Cartel, Fester, U-Haul
FNGs: None
What had happened was:
U-Haul was there first, Hatchet rolled in “early”. Deadwood rolled in right on time. Posse came in hot right at launch time. And Fester came walking in from Cuthbertson Road shortly after 6.
We looked like my college intramural softball team rolling up to a 5pm game at the last minute, after spending the afternoon watching the first day of March madness at the bar and slugging Natural Light on tap.
Cartel and Catfish remained incident free.

Deadwood Catfish Hatchet had a long convo about various items. If audio of that convo was ever leaked to the general public, all 3 of us wouldn’t definitely have to move out of the Waxhaw area, and possibly out of the Carolinas.
U-Haul kept grinding even though his knee surgery is just days behind him.
Cartel Posse Fester seemed to be having a a sincere, yet not passionate convo themselves.
Good to see Fester again.
Proud of the continued work that Cartel is putting in.
Catfish is coming along good after his “bicep/tree stand fiasco.
Posse hit the :hc: AND showed up.
Deadwood is Deadwood. It is what it is.
The rest of us are just average I guess.
We had a goal of three miles. We hit the goal. It took an extra minute. But we got there.
Good push boys.

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