AO: _bike
Q: Endo
PAX: Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Kick Stand, Damascus, Titanium Plates, Tron, Cableguy, Peaches, Rag, Endo, Floppy Disk
FNGs: None
What had happened was: The “declines” started rolling in via text after lunch when the thermometer was already trending to the mid-nineties; i’m sure it’s just coincidence that we had relatively light attendance on a 99 degree day. Actually most of the reasons I was aware of were legit, having to work late, kids sports, family vaca, heart attack (this ones for you Roomba – we’ll give you a pass for that one for a while longer). Mustard publicly announced he had to “play cards” – we may possibly give you a hard time about that one next week :laughing:. Anyhow the trail head drop in was tasty as usual, and today we had no problem hitting the creek crossing with xtra speed to get splashed. A few rounds of the bike skillz park and jumps is just ridiculously fun. Tron made a showing, and I don’t know about all of you but I always feel like it becomes a REAL party anytime Tron shows up. The big event of this particular ride was Titanium Plates plates blowing out a front tire and totally kissing a tree right after a jump on the West side of Lenny. Titanium Plates rushed back to COT to get his tire back up and chased us down somewhere between POCO and Cutty; he didn’t seem too concerned about the side of his face, neck, and ear looking pretty shredded up. Some of us got a pic of Titanium Plates ear that his wife glued back together; gentlemen that is a LEGIT mountain biker that I respect there. Damascus verbalized that he was in the mood to dial it up a little on a climb, so I tried to deliver on that by taking him up “the snake” route to the top of Cutty. I didn’t anticipate us racing UP a hill on a 99 degree day, but I guess nothing should be a surprise with a bunch of MTBers. I could effortlessly write a few more pages on this BB but I’ll conclude it here. That is just how good our MTB sessions at OTC are every week. COT and OTC afterparty were enjoyable as usual. And we even had an after-after party at Taco Bell this week.