[_bike] Off Tha Chain

July 3, 2024
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AO: _bike
Q: Stretcher , Rag
PAX: Stretcher, Bratwurst, Buffet, Cartel, Damascus, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Hi-Hat, Kick Stand, Landfill, Magnolia, Mullet/David, Mustard, Prepper, Rag
FNGs: None
What had happened was: We rode. We jumped. We sweated. We wrenched. We sweated. We drank. We sweated. Stretcher lead group 1A and cleared the cobwebs. Mullet found a mysterious bike rattle that had everyone stumped as to its origins. Stretcher avoided a downed Landfill after landing the tabletop jump on Green Mile. Landfill clipped a tree but was ok. The double on 4 is now a tabletop thanks to Titanium Trail Solutions. Rag lead group 1B. The groups joined up for an early jump sesh at the evolving skills area, met up on Poco after Stretcher almost got caught in the Landfill and finally a wonderfully synchronized merge on DOT for the ride back to the parking lot. Bratwurst had a clean fleet of bikes that even the greenest mechanics could tune up. Some lucky kids will be on the end of F3’s generosity. Welcome new FNG, Prepper.