[_playhouse] Double Nickles

February 27, 2024
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AO: _playhouse
Q: Deep Dish
PAX: Deep Dish, Das Boot, Noonan, One Star, Tanyatine-Tim Braun, Chipotle, Fiji
FNGs: None
What had happened was:
Mosey to parking lot
Random playlist of 70’s, 80’s and 90’s rock.
Warm up & stretch
5-stations, 11 reps each:
Big Boys
Dry Docks
5-burpees, then run a lap
Repeato 2x (total of 3 circuits)

Grab a rock, pick a lane:
Exercise 11 reps, run to curb, 5 burpees. Exercise 11 reps, run to curb, no burpees. Sets included curls, tri’s, OH spread and chest press. Rifle carry rocks back to pile.

Mosey to wall. 25 presses, 15 mountain climbers, 25 jabs.

Fast feet with Thunderstruck. Burpee each time we heard the word “Thunder”.

Rest assured, 55+ total burpees for the Bday Q and workout.

Continued prayers for Tanyatine-Tim Braun and his brother, Kevin, who is fighting cancer.

As the only (and now older) “respect” in the crowd this morning, glad to have led these fine young men knuckleheads as nothing beats the camaraderie and ball-busting at F3, especially Bushwood!!!!

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