[body_shop] Soft Pretzel's Eagles Super Bowl Celebration Beatdown

February 13, 2025
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AO: body_shop
Q: Down Range Q
PAX: Posse, SOGGY, Hatchet, Das Boot, Soft Pretzel
FNGs: None
What had happened was: It was dark, it was stormy, it was a mess, but 5 PAX showed up and Soft Pretzel (who was listed as a downrange Q but actually resides deeper in Waxhaw than the 2 Site Qs) brought the beatdown. The boys gathered under the awning at Rea View and got a solid day’s work in from a rotation of gear stations and a rotation of focus on chest, arms, shoulders and legs, with some Mary included. Softie was in a good mood following the Eagles’ victory on Sunday, but he’s always in a pretty good mood — except when it comes to the question of joining the Waxhaw Slack.

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