[diesel] Every 30 seconds for 1.25 minutes

July 5, 2024
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AO: diesel
Q: Landfill
PAX: Endo, Penalty Box, Bratwurst, Landfill, Rockwell, Rockslide
FNGs: None
What had happened was:

Timed workout with lifting weights

Short warmup follo3d by
10 Workout rounds for 1 minute 15 swconds, then rest for 30 seconds between rounds.

1. Bench Press
2. Squats
3. Curls
4. Heels to Heaven
5. Military press
6. Lunges (with or without weight)
7. Skull Crushers
8. SSH
9. LBCs
10. Bent over rows

We made it through about 2 1/2 sets of this before time was up.

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