[mount_x] Mount X Q

May 1, 2024
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AO: mount_x
Q: Spitz
PAX: Draper, Hi-Hat, Twinkle toes, Elmer’s, Maple Syrup
FNGs: None
Mount X is an interesting site. You never know who will show up. There is a solid group of regulars and I have really enjoyed getting to know these HIMS. I encourage many of you to try Mount X. Plus, Elmers is there. What more could you ask for to start your Wednesday.

What had happened was: We left COT, ran to entrance, back to parking lot for warmup. SSH’s, Moroccan NC’s, Imperial walkers, Planks, pushups, calf stretch, runner’s stretch. Mosey to side lot and fire pit. 25 dips, run, 25 incline merkins. Mosey to COT. Quick set of arm circles. Partner work. 150 curls, 150 coupon squats, 150 bent over rows, 150 chest press. Partner runs around Mount X as the timer. Rifle carry to the back parking lot. 25 Left chainsaw pulls, 25 right chainsaw pulls, 25 coupon overhead press, 25 coupon overhead triceps. Mosey length of lot in between sets. Rifle carry back to COT for 1 round of Abs. Have a nice day.
Announcements: Mad Dog has announced some upcoming events for this weekend and 25 May.
Prayers for our leaders and country.
Thanks for allowing me to lead today.