[mount_x] Tapering, sorta

January 17, 2024
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AO: mount_x
Q: Cliffhanger
PAX: Elmer’s, Draper, Rockslide, Spitz, Jingles ( F3 Waxhaw), 2xT, Dave Bailey aka Popeye, Cliffhanger
FNGs: None
The thing about a 14°F morning is that every puddle is an opportunity to slip and break a leg. So naturally, the Q searched for a stretch of the parking lot sporting the biggest frozen puddle and had the PAX run around it for 35+ minutes. Somewhere in the disclaimers was a “If you run through it, I will beat you up!” At the end of the day, we all got 2-plus miles of running and rifle-carrying—the best antidote against frostbite.

WARMUP: A lap around the parking lot, followed by a fast-paced session of SSHs (25), Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Nightclubs (15 each), Jimmy Dugan for a quick stretch, Merkins (15) and calf stretches.

THE THANG: There’s this 130-yard stretch of road that starts by the fire pit. It has 5 street lights. I figured we’d go back and forth for as long as we could in 45 minutes, but here’s the catch: At each light, perform the called exercise. Then run to the end of the stretch and back. Pick the coupon, and rifle carry that sucker to the next light, all the way to the curve. Rinse and repeat until there is no more road, and then pick up the 6.

We did 4 of those for a total of 2.22 miles (according to the Q’s Garmin). Good thing the Q is tapering for his next race!
– First segment—Upper Body: 2×15 curls, 2×15 triceps extensions, 2×15 presses.
– Second segment—Legs: 2x(5+5) Bulgarian Split Squats, 2×10 Weighted Bridge Thrusts, 2×15 Goblet Squats.
– Third Segment—Core: 2×15 Simbas, 2×20 ‘Merican Hammers, 2×15 J-Lo’s.
– Fourth Segment—Anything goes: 2x(5+5) Lawn Mowers, 2×15 Upright Rows, 2×10 some weird torture that Popeye came up with: A big boy ending with a press.

We had 3 more minutes, so we ended with more core: 15 flutters, 15 heals to Heaven, 30 LBCs, and 15+15 pistols.

Very quick announcements, reflections, a Lord’s Prayer as one man, and off to coffeteria!

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