[ruck_u] Lizards, Leeches, & Bullfrogs - Oh my!

December 19, 2024
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AO: ruck_u
Q: Posse
PAX: Radar, Dunkin, U-Haul, Posse
FNGs: None
There was a better title that was created in the church parking lot, but I’ve forgotten it. Remind me & I’ll change it.

The 3 numbers I was looking for;
:x:180 = 180 / 15 =
:white_check_mark:12 = the apparent magic number that everyone already knew from reading today’s Q point:tclaps:
:x:182 = Today is the 182nd anniversary of the incorporation of Union County – an organization that we have ambivalent feelings toward

Also meant to ask in our bullfrog discussion – Is “that’s not my job” always a bad thing?

Being a leech was so much more difficult than I thought:face_vomiting:

The last 5 words of Q Source:
Virtuous Leadership is about love.

As you consider resolutions/goals for 2025, here are the words of author and entrepreneur Eliot Peper on taking risks:
“If you know something’s going to work, it’s not worth working on. It requires no courage. It requires no faith. It requires no skin in the game. Whether you’re a spy or a teacher or a spouse or a painter or an abuela or an astronaut or a monk or a barista or a board-game designer, the bits that matter are the bits you make matter by putting yourself on the line for them. The unknown is the foundry where you forge your chips. Everything important is uncertain. Sitting with the discomfort of that uncertainty is the hard part, the wedge that can move the world.”
Don’t pick a goal that you know you can achieve. Pick one that has a reasonable chance of failure. Dunkin reinforced this with his reading of The Comfort Crisis.

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