[the_lycan] Better in my mind with a great sunrise

June 10, 2024
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AO: the_lycan
Q: Dana
PAX: Black Hat, Dana, J-Woww, Rockwell
FNGs: None
What had happened was: 4 Pax including the Q had no idea what the beatdown would look like. Started with a Mosey around the lot to the front of FHC for some warmup. Then corners:
Lap 1 – Merkins run a lap
Lap 2 – Merkins, Merkins and LBC at corner 2
Lap3 – Merkins, Merkins LBC and Squats corner 3
Lap 4 – same as above with adding Tyson’s at corner 4
Lap 5 – Merkins fall off
Lap 7-8 the corresponding movement falls off till only Tyson’s are left.

Mosey around the church for a Web of Big Boys and LBC/Hammer

Then enough time to alternate up the back lot. Lunge Walk, Bear Crawl, Bunnyhop to the top.

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Convergence Thursday at the Floater