[the_lycan] I scared them off

September 16, 2024
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AO: the_lycan
Q: Fuse Box
PAX: Fuse Box, Premature, Dana, Hatchet
FNGs: None
When you market, the goal is to increase turnout. Apparently I failed at that.

1/4 mile warmup lap stopping for 10 merkins and a bear crawl, 9 merkins and a bear crawl…..1 merkin.

Mosey to front of the church for standing calf stretch (needed it thanks to 911 stairs) and the rarely done quad stretch.

Partner up at base of the hill in the parking lot for 50 yards of partner pushed. Return to start and flap Jack.

Followed by Partner pulls. This was the extent of the man touch Monday. (Now don’t you feel stupid for not coming. You were scared over nothing).

Mosey to the wall where we found medicine balls and 30lb dumbbells. 20 dumbbell presses, crawl bear for 10 yards, 20 medicine ball shots against the wall. Repeato 3 times.

Mosey back to main parking lot for PROGRESSIVE 4 corners (highlighted since Chastsin keeps trying to change the name to aggressive). Corners are 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 big boys, 20 merkins.

Mary with 40 lbc’s in cadence.

Mosey back to cot and get in 40 air presses as time expires.

– premature putting in work while trying to get over pneumonia
– Never seen the pullee get more tired than the puller in partner pulls hit hatchet was there to prove there is always a first.
– Dana with the sound advice on where to lay for big boys (not in the fresh fares area)
– Jester was strong today (and typically is on my low number q’s)
– The panthers suck.

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