[commitment] 9 Years Of Commitment

November 18, 2023
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AO: commitment
Q: Fuse Box
PAX: Fuse Box, Pyro, Posse, Doughboy, Mad Dog, Dana, Maple Syrup – Shane Gordon, Brutus, One Star, Dave Bailey aka Popeye, Manscaped
FNGs: 1 Manscaped
Mosey the long way to Millbridge pool. Stop at all left turns to either go get the 6 or SSH until 6 arrives. We ended up stopping 3 times along the way.

Dough Boy was thankful I did do a warm up today (I didn’t yesterday).
50 SSH’s
Jimmy Duggans
Calf Stretch with each pax’s best Damascus impression (Blue Screen caught some shrapnel)
Downward and Upward Dogs

Bruce Springsteen’s. Unlike Paula Abdul’s, the Springsteen’s are 1 step up and 2 steps back. Bear Crawl up 1 parking space for 5 merkins. Crawl bear back two parking spaces for 5 in and outs. Repeat curb to curb or roughly 7 rounds. (New guy is real glad Posse offered him a pair of gloves right about now.

Mosey up Millbridge Parkway stopping at first road on left. From there to Pocket Park we did 5 Squats per car in driveway. Every house had at least 1 car, some had 3, none had 4.

F3 Board Game
In order to celebrate 9 years, we decided to partner up and play a board game. With no dice or spinners, exercises would be our way of traveling the board. 1 Partner ran the pocket park while the other did exercises that equaled the # of spaces they could move. Here are the rules/exercises:
– 10 Merkins = 1 space
– 10 Jump Squats = 1 space
– 10 Big Boy’s = 1 space
– 10 In/outs = 1 space
– 10 Heels 2 Heaven = 1 space
– Each person could use a 9 space bear crawl 1 time the entire game (so each team could bear crawl a total of 18 spaces).
– You cannot repeat exercises between turns. So if you did 30 merkins and 20 squats round 1, you could not do merkins or squats in round 2.

We barely got halfway around “the board” even with most teams using their 18 bear crawls. At coffeteria I pondered on the lack of distanced we achieved and Popeye pointed out that 10 only equaled 1 and there were well over 100 spaces so would have had to have done 1,000 reps to win. Good point. (I went back on google maps and counted and there were actually 140 spaces – oh shit).

Recovered with most teams just past the halfway point (so close to 700 reps – wow), due to time. We had 15 minutes to get back to COT and I wasn’t sure how far our through the woods mosey would be. Stopped at the bridges to collect pax and do exercises.

Found a rock pile and partnered up for rock work and Dips/Prison squats between partners.

Mosey back to COT with a jailbreak at the end.

– Thanks for coming out to celebrate 9 years. I was corrected by Dasher that Dromedary actually was the first Waxhaw workout by a couple months.
– Pyro said he got his largest calorie burn this morning (I guess I did something right?).
– Great work by our FNG. Named Manscaped because fellow baldy Popeye was impressed with his grooming pre F3 workout. If you think that’s weird, you should have been there – it was weirder. I thought Popeye was going to ask him to drop his pants at once point.
– Thank to all that have supported Commitment over the years. It was my first F3 post and has always been special to me

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