[the_lycan] 56th bday Q

October 28, 2024
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AO: the_lycan
Q: Hot Yoga
PAX: Dana, Premature, Noonan, Fuse Box, Rockwell
FNGs: None
What had happened was:
Yesterday was my 56th bday, so revolved the workout around 7×8’s:
Mosey around church to parking lot for COP: Ssh, Moroccan night clubs, LSS, Reverse lunges, plank jacks
Mosey into neighborhood to willow branch
Run to Coventry commons – 7 intersections
Every intersection 8 merkins
Sprint to stop sign
Run backward back

Run to willow branch
Every intersection 8 squats

Run to Coventry commons
Every intersection 8 dry docks
Sprint to stop sign
Run backward back

Run to willow branch
Every intersection 8 speed skaters
Still enough time so 1 more round

Run to Coventry commons
Every intersection 8 mountain climbers
Sprint to stop sign
Run backward back

Run to willow branch
Every intersection 8 1-leg deadlifts (4 each side)

Mosey to COT with 4 minutes left
Peter Parkers
Parker Peters
Have a nice day