[wxw_express] Train lost its conductor

February 4, 2025
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AO: wxw_express
Q: ChatterBox
PAX: Blue Screen of DEATH, Bottlecap, Shania, Rubbermaid, Carb Load, Hollywood, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Fuse Box, Flip Phone, Seabass- Tim Carey, Pothole
FNGs: None
What had happened was: Q looked to get some miles with consistent pace and took pax along for the ride. Started with some SSH and jump squats for warm up. 4 loops around the school campus. 2 loops clockwise and 2 antilock wise. 5 miles total. There was a express group up front with other pax following them with consistent pace. With more then 10 minutes remaining, decided to go for an Indian run. Train was going on a consistent pace until the express group decided to speed up when couple of buses crossed path. few pax disconnect from the express including the conductor. Disconnected compartments and the caboose did reach cot on time.
Overall it was a beautiful morning for a run.

Bottlecap took us out.

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