[bushwood] Más ¡No más!

December 6, 2022
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AO: Bushwood
Q: Das Boot
PAX: Tim Braun-Tanyatine, SnB, Das Boot, Dunkin, Hi-Hat, PSenick – F3 twinkle toes, Deep Dish, Hatchet, D.A.R.E., Fiji
FNGs: None
The forecast called for rain, so the Q planned for rain. It started raining just after the family photo, but 10 PAX mostly stick to the weinke? No!

WARMUP: Mosey to the front of the school to switch up the warmup location just a little.

Introduce some newer PAX to infusing exercises such as the goofball, seal jacks and hillbilly Rockettes. YHC forgot the AO and did not IC count of 9 or 18 reps. #qfail

Circle the parking lot and get increasing merkins at each light.


Grab a rock and let’s play ¡No más! After a long intro to the historic date of the Durab-Leonard II fight and the game, Q calls an exercise and when a PAX gets tired or tired of it, he yells ¡No más! and must do 3 burpees.

Exercises included:
– Baryshnikov squats
– Triple Lindy
– bent over rows
– side shuffle
– others

Circle of curls rotating around to others’ rocks.

Some running was included to break it up and then head to the covered walkway for drier ab work via ¡No más!

– six inch LBCs
– dragon fly
– big boys
– finish with Mike Tysons


It was great to see some fresh faces on the course. Read: the chance to introduce some newer guys to some stupid exercises. There was some refusenik chants to some of the exercises but definitely more laughs than grumbles. YHC overestimated his abilities with his rock selection and shamefully had to cry ¡No más! on the Triple Lindy set.

The circle of curls was in the fly to allow us to mock some of the PAX for their pebble selection. Good sports all around and almost everyone gave in or took one for the team at some point.


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