[asylum] Definition of HIM

January 15, 2024
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AO: asylum
Q: Cliffhanger
PAX: ChatterBox, Catfish, Landfill, Posse, Blue Screen, Cliffhanger, Nemo, Noodle, Venus
FNGs: 1 Venus
Never have I witnessed such an evident description of what HIM means before in a single workout. A clear example of each and every single one of the aspects that define what we strive for, in 45+ minutes, courtesy of these 8 men.

Let’s start with Chatterbox, bringing today an FNG he’s been EH-ing for a while now. Afterwards, while at Coffeteria, our new guy Venus confessed his intentions to move down South with us, enticed by the powerful show of camaraderie (I’m sure the good weather also has something to do with it, but hey)

How about Bluescreen? This soon-to-be-65 lean machine is always in the lead, pushing hard, up to the very last minute.

Kudos to Landfill: the first workout of the year for him, still recovering from a flu spell, and the dude bagged 5 frigging K this morning, on top of all the other core work. Way to come back!

Posse: Double-dipper extraordinaire, on time (!?) from a Lycan workout, pushing himself (and others!) and then delivering a burpee train. It doesn’t get any better than this… or does it?

Cue the perfect picture of fatherhood: Catfish arrived with his 2.0s Nemo and Noodle. Gently but sternly pushing them both through the beatdown, correcting and encouraging where needed, WHILE pushing and encouraging the rest of the PAX, AND bringing the workout to a higher level of pain with his patent patented Catfish Flutters(™). Wait! it’s not over yet: Showing us all at COT how to get vulnerable by requesting thoughtful prayers. I do wish my boy had come today to witness what F3 means through his example.

WARMUP: A recon mosey to today’s half-mile course, with an initial leg warming session, and 25 SSHs (in cadence) at the “Outpost.”

THE THANG: Another 50-century club, cause the Q has no imagination. We ended up with more than 3 miles peppered with a bunch of leg and core work: low-slow squats, flutters, mountain climbers, LBCs, the dreaded Catfish flutters, a few ‘Merican hammers and some burpees.

Catfish and Noodle requested we keep Ronda, Bruce and the Goat Lady in our prayers today. As one man, we closed with a powerful Lord’s Prayer.

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