[body_shop] Fun with LEGOs

January 25, 2024
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AO: body_shop
Q: Palmolive
PAX: Noonan, Deep Dish, Das Boot, Hatchet, One Star, Big Tuna
FNGs: None
It was a foggy morning, and the 🚚 wasn’t a familiar Amazon blue. It also didn’t carry a bunch of useless 💩 that your M bought…

Lap around lot and mosey to the end of the lot for some IC exercises with broad jumps of 3 parking spaces after each: 10x SSH, 10x potato pickers, 10x Peter Parker’s, 10x imperial squat walkers, 10x squat jumps, 10x Parker peters

Mosey to rock pile by the entrance to the lot for a set each of one-handed rocks and one big rock for the group (the delivery driver only brought 6 cinder blocks…he’s used to SoB numbers, not WXW numbers for boot camps…).

Set up 4 stations for 4 corners, blocks at station one, rocks at station 4. Do the exercise every time you pass the corner: first corner 10x lunges (2 as 1) with blocks in rifle carry…continue rifle carry to second corner 10x grip, rip, and rolls with a merkin over the block…rifle carry to the third corner for 10x blockees…leave the block and mosey to fourth corner for 10x lateral raises. Workout was corners 1-2-1-2-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1

Returned the rocks and only 1 minute late for COT

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