[body_shop] MASH-champ time!

November 30, 2023
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AO: body_shop
Q: Mayhem
PAX: Penalty Box, Mayhem, Roomba, Sun Drop, Hatchet, Das Boot
FNGs: None
November 30 was the final edition of Muschamp Month at The Body Shop but the Site Qs were in for a surprise. most of the WaxPAX headed down to the Floater to support Deadwood’s earnest desire to run a 5k dressed as the Grinch. Gotta love that brotherhood! That left the 2 Site Qs as the lone boot campers, plus 4 MASHers.

The campout pair went for a warm-up mosey and then joined the MASH crew who were already running their own Muschamp style morning. The crew went around the circle and did a variety of exercises that left everyone tired and hungry.

MOLESKINE: Great time with a larger group and plenty of mumblechatter to go around. Roomba has some flexibility skills and/or spent a lot of time during his formative years ogling the Rockettes because he was a master of the hillbilly Rockette. Penalty Box and his Canadian Beaver are not what you want to see at the end of an arm heavy workout. Sun Drop is a master of the Motivator and Tanyatine would be proud — maybe he should venture outside of Bushwood again sometime. Mayhem brought out the Captain Morgan and the PAX are feeling that later in the day. Have you heard stories from Hatchet? Give him a try sometime and you’ll be laughing as much as you’re aching. Das Boot stupidly called a Simba with a block and had to cut the reps short.

It was cold but the crew had a great Thursday morning.

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