[body_shop] maybe a little too ambitious...

August 22, 2024
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AO: body_shop
Q: Hot Yoga
PAX: Das Boot, Hatchet, Noonan, J-Woww, Huggie Bear, Big Tuna, Chipotle
FNGs: None
What had happened was:
My weinke might have been a little too ambitious today, ended up with 2.9 miles and included numerous requests for 10-counts:

Mosey around parking lot back to bus lot
Moroccan nightclubs
1 leg deadlifts IC
Mountain climbers

Mosey to fire station doing Paula Abdul at stoplights – 5 merkins, 1 burpee
Mosey back to bus lot alternating karaokes, backwards run, forwards run

Mosey to playground
Partner up for 5 rounds
1 partner does 5 pull ups 5 dips
Other partner runs around island

Mosey to school wall
Same partners
1 partner does wall sits with jabs
Other partner runs around island

Mosey around bus lot and mashers and back to start for a mini-Mary
Peter Parkers
Parker Peters
Runners stretches
Down dog
Calf stretches
Have a nice day!