[border_patrol] Some new faces and a new format

February 26, 2024
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AO: border_patrol
Q: Kid Rock
PAX: Paper Jam, Flip Phone, Posse, Chastain, Dunkin, Damascus
FNGs: None
YHC promoted some speed work, some hill repeats and a 15 min pre-run.
Nobody showed for the pre-run, so I was skeptical of anybody showing up for anything else 🤷🏼‍♂️.
Due to being the lesser of several other evils for the morning, we had a few new faces arrive, including our Nantan…
With YHC on his best behavior, Diccs were given… Just like every other border_patrol workout 😉, and we were off.
1.25 mi warmup down Walnut Creek Pkwy and back.
Off to Waverly and Burgess for a short dynamic stretch of high knees, butt kicks, Karaoke, Frankenstein walk, and calf stretch.
4x Median island repeats – 300m at 80% effort- 100m at cool down. Circle back and get 1 additional loop.
Mosey to Hancock hill
All out effort to top of the hill and mosey back down – circle back for the 6 and repeat 3x
Mosey to Kinder circle
All out to the top of the steepest hill in WC. Mosey back to the start and repeat once more.
Running low on time, we started the 1 mile mosey back to COT for a total of 6ish miles overall.

The mumble chatter was high today. I’ve never heard so many complaints about running at a running workout. Perhaps it was YHC ‘s sweatshirt, gloves and winter hat that aggravated the group. Maybe it was the joining of Chastain and Dunkin that most definitely caused the pace to be pushed faster than the norm. It’s possible Damascus got used to the flat roads at Oak Island, and forgot Border Patrol is all hills. Paper Jam was the ring leader of the complaint department, apparently having bad flashbacks of his #notarunner days at SOB’s Swift.
Posse hung in there and kept pushing through each hill, only bad mouthing me on occasional pass by’s. Flip Phone kept a pretty steady pace, trying not to push too hard due to the extensive consumption of Mexican cuisine from last night.

Nice little change of pace at a usual out and back AO just to mix things up a bit. Great to see a few new faces this side of the border.
F3 Rock Hill’s Rooster and CPR training this weekend
4x4x48 the following weekend
The Green Mile St Patty’s Saturday
Damascus took us out
See you in the gloom tomorrow

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