[bushwood] The Executive Course at Ladera / Graduation Day

June 13, 2023
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AO: Bushwood
Q: Das Boot
PAX: Das Boot, One Star, Deep Dish, Twinkle toes, Tanyatine-Tim Braun, Dunkin, Noonan, Big Tuna
FNGs: None
YHC was feeling all kinds of emotions less than 3 hours before his first 2.0’s high school graduation and 7 other PAX unknowingly showed for an “Oh, the places you’ll go” adventure off campus.

WARMUP: Mosey to the lower cul de sac at The Gates of Ansley for IC…
– 20x hillbillies
– 23x Moroccan Night Clubs
– 20x Alpine skier (plank jump/jacks)
– 23x mountain climbers
– stretching

THE THANG: Head up Giacomo for alternating 5x t-merkins and bomb jacks at driveways on the right, until the entrance to the neighborhood. Bear crawl through the lone intersection in the right

Safely cross over to Ladera. 5x jump squats at every other driveway on the right until the first intersection. Head left on Branford to Terramore.

Modified long triple nickel in Terramore with 10 Sister Mary Catherines at the bottom and 5x Mike Tysons at the top. After two sets, we partnered up to run around the pond and meet for 10x hand slap merkins, return back and meet for 10 more plus 3x stupid Bobby Hurley high fives. Repeato.

Finish with another set of the triple nickel then climb the berm, run along New Town to get back to Ansley, return to COT with 5x big boys at every other driveway on the left.

Finish off with Fiji Fast Feet.

MOLESKINE: See those combinations of 20 and 23? It’s graduation day for Marvin Ridge and Cuthbertson High, so a lot on the mind for several PAX in the area. YHC wanted to combine the numbers with a new places you’ll go adventure and had never been with the Bushwood crew too the Ladera annex, as Noonan called it.

The PAX expected something goofy with YHC on Q, but it felt fairly plain though a bit challenging with right at 3 miles covered. That and the triple nickel generated plenty of mumblechatter asking with some requests to just bring back the Connect 4 next time, as well as pleas by some for the June challenge to be done.

They were good sports and endlessly entertaining, even when making the questionable choice to run alongside New Town for a couple hundred yards. No one remembered anything from their high school commencement speaker and One Star was even valedictorian and didn’t remember anything from his own speech. Good conversation and a great way to start a big day for few dads.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming Qs, blood drive, mini Convergence next week on Thursday at Pursuit.

COT: YHC shared a meaningful quote from the classic Fahrenheit 451 that has been coming to mind lately.

“I sometimes think drivers don’t know what grass is, or flowers, because they never see them slowly,” she said. “If you showed a driver a green blur, Oh yes! he’d say, that’s grass! A pink blur! That’s a rose garden! White blurs are houses. Brown blurs are cows. My uncle drove slowly on a highway once. He drove forty miles an hour and they jailed him for two days. Isn’t that funny, and sad, too?”

One Star added a prayer for the takeout.

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