[ruck_u] Apprenticing around town

October 31, 2024
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AO: ruck_u
Q: Posse
PAX: U-Haul, Radar, Fuse Box, Dunkin, Posse
FNGs: None
New Exercises:
– Knitting Kneedles
– Bridge-a-Flip
– Dip Your Paintbrush
– Romanian Deadgrab

Socratics that we ran out of time for discussion:
– Is apprenticeship economically viable nowadays?
– If apprenticeship is critical to the development of the virtuous leader, could that be why there are so few virtuous leaders?
– Is apprenticeship a bullfrog concept overall, even if it is a lizard concept to the apprentice?
– Based on Dredd’s law story with a lack of legal apprenticeships, are highly capitalistic (or last stage capitalistic) societies inherently anti-apprenticeship?
– How does apprenticeship square with Seth Godin’s book, “Linchpin”? The subtitle is “How to Make Yourself Indispensable”.


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