[the_rock] Draft version of the “Rock EMOM”

November 5, 2024
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AO: the_rock
Q: Dunkin
PAX: Rockwell, Rocketman, Rag, Lambeau, Penalty Box, Roomba, Peaches, Endo, Dunkin
FNGs: None
Started with a warmup of SSH, Tennessee Rocking Chairs, Perfect Merkins, Imperial Walkers, and the “exercise of the week”; viz., “Imperial Blockers”. Honestly, not my favorite.

We then did a shoulder burner and got into the draft version of the “Rock EMOM”. I may modify going forward based on feedback. But we just did 20 minutes of the following:

– 2 squat thrusters
– 4 tricep extensions
– 6 bicep curls
– 8 goblet squats
– 10 bench/chest presses

Maybe 10 seconds at the end of each minute, which was just enough time to get up and start the next round. :man-shrugging:

We finished off with a group rifle carry hold, a plank hold, and then an ab web for the rest of time.

Great job Gents! :facepunch:

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