[bushwood] I knew it was coming and still got slapped!!

May 9, 2023
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AO: Bushwood
Q: Hi-Hat
PAX: Tanyatine-Tim Braun, Deep Dish, Premature, J-Woww, One Star, Twinkle toes, Fiji, Avocado, Hi-Hat, Big Tuna
FNGs: None
DICSS Giving, Mosey to 1st Parking Lot for some warmup and stretching.

Twinkles Wheel of Pain, pick a rock, now share with your brothers, this was tough as you never really get a break between lifting, moving to center and running. Great wheel that will keep you on your toes.

Moved over to Playground for partnership and some pullups accompany with running. We push all the time, we need to do more pulling!!

Grab some wall, stole from OneStar, everyone loves Bs to the Wall for 30 seconds.

Final, 3rd Round of Bs to the Wall with Jail Break to COT.

Bushwood is such a wonderful AO, crowd is bunch of fun loving brothers who like to push on a Tuesday morning. I will admit, I knew of OneStar’s back slap and he still got me, Classic.
I appreciate the opp to Q. Until next time.

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