[_playhouse] Loved the rain …

July 29, 2024
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AO: _playhouse
Q: ChatterBox
PAX: Wrigley, Falcon, U-Haul, Mad Dog, Fuse Box, Inspector Gadget, Black Hat, Maple Syrup, Zinfandel, Turkeydrop
FNGs: None
What had happened was: We ran little more than 2 miles and did Mike Tyson, donkey kicks, abb work, broad jump burpees, bear crawl, jump squats, wall sit and few Mary’s. Loved the rain.

Glad to see Wrigley this morning. He and Fuse Box hung out with me in my 2nd f3 workout. I was the 6. Glad they did. It kept me coming back. Let’s keep encouraging each other.