[diesel] Enough with the upper body

March 17, 2023
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AO: Diesel
Q: Cliffhanger
PAX: Blue cheese, Sun Drop, Landfill, Lambeau, Stag, Rockslide, Roomba, Premature, Black Hat, Cliffhanger, Tulip
FNGs: None
This was an absolutely wonderful morning (in the 50s and with a refreshing breeze) after all these week-long freeze warnings. Great way to start the weekend. Anyway, DICCs were given and off we went:
WARMUP: Combo of decreasing SSHs + calf raises (10-10-9-9-8-8…). Premature and YHC giggling cause I stole the whole workout from him, and he knew what was coming.
THE THANG: Half Century Club, with (rifle/farmer/waiter) carry between COT and “the island” (let’s call it Ireland for today since, you know, Saint Patrick) We had time for exactly 12 different exercises. In no particular order (cause YHC is getting old and can’t remember stuff anymore): Curls, triceps extensions, sumo squats, upright rows, flutters, Simbas, coupon presses, skull crushers, merkins, lawnmowers, LBCs and lunges.
MARY: Not on my watch
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood drive on April’s fools, and Convergence this coming Monday. Cutty at 5:30 am, unless you want to prerun it. In that case, definitely maybe 5:15 am.
COT: Prayers for Premature’s wife, Rockslide’s shoulder, Roomba and Cliffhanger’s parents. Tulip took us out.

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