[last_call] PAX got low, low, low, low

December 1, 2023
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AO: last_call
Q: Das Boot
PAX: Deep Dish, Cliffhanger, Posse, Pyro, Fuse Box, Fredo, Das Boot
FNGs: None
It’s easy to say “explore new territory!” when the AO has only been at the new location for 3 weeks, but YHC took that route and 7 showed for the adventure.

WARMUP: Mosey to Weddington Chase where we stopped at each driveway on the right and did a number of t-merkins corresponding with the last digit on the mailbox. We actually went farther than planned and got in the range of 40 total.

Head to the clubhouse parking lot for some more warmup and stretching. SSH, goof ball, squats.

THE THANG: Head to the basketball court for much side to side action the length of the court while getting lower each exercise.

– 3x side shuffle with arms waving high, cross between SSH and basketball defense. Big boys after each down and back.
– 3x karaoke followed by pull-ups in the playground
– 3x side shuffle hug followed by crunches
– side shuffle plank walk suicide
– side walking merkins to the top of the key and back
– backwards run
– 5x Walmart burpees at mid court

MOLESKINE: YHC had no plans to do the burpees but Posse was hyping them all week so we had to comply. Did he complete them all successfully? Did anyone?

Strong work all around, especially with a weinke that required a little explanation. Kudos to Deep Dish for having the most brain functionality early in the morning by deciphering the warm-up merkins count code — give that man a second Site Q opportunity! It was a morning of great surprises for YHC seeing a crew of guys he doesn’t regularly cross paths with at boot camps. Pyro pushed all morning — ready to be a site Q? Cliffhanger does boot camps?! Could he be a Site Q when hands are expected to touch ground? Fredo showed and just got the job done — he probably needs a Site Q opportunity to more fully integrate into Waxhaw. Posse and Fuse brought mumblechatter while working hard — who would’ve guessed?! Site Qs? meh…..

And a huge kudos as most of the PAX got their additional 1k in right before or after the workout.

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