[last_call] Serving Up Drink's In Dryuary

January 26, 2024
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AO: last_call
Q: Fuse Box
PAX: Fuse Box, One Star, Premature, Posse, Endo, Punxsy, Contraband, Cutlet, Das Boot, Turkey Drop
FNGs: 1 Turkey Drop
.4 Mile run. Circle up for SSH, Jimmy Duggan History Lesson, and Bruce Springsteens (one bear crawl up, merkins, 2 bear crawls back, merkins).

Group of 3 for Grinder’s (not the dating site). Split 300 Merkins and Prison Jump Squats with a runner in between.

Recover at bottom of hill and do partner rows back up the hill stopping for 10 rows at each light to alternate partners. Premature was surprised at the difficulty (soap box we don’t work back muscles enough).

Serpentine of Doom with 10 Heels to heaven and 20 Curb Dips at opposite ends. I spared the pax and removed the crawl bears around the islands on the end.

7 minutes left. Ended with Make it Stop foot release squats (got to 40) followed by a lap. Posse tried to do SSH’s with rocks in our hand. It was dumb so I made it stop for another lap. 10 front lunges, 10 backwards lunges. 1 minute left. 5 Merkins and jail break to COT.

– Turkey Drop got his name from his hometown of Cincinatti. We went down the WKRP rabbit hole and came out the otherside with the greatest episode from that show which was dropping turkeys from a helicopter for a Thanksgiving Promotion (“As god as my witness, I could have swore turkeys could fly”). The FNG held his own and was right there in the pack. I kept saying Weddington Trace and he kept correcting me louder and louder with Weddington CHASE! He was very close to getting Chase as a name.
– Endo, Premature, Posse, and Cutlet with the double dip (80/80 and last call)
– Das didn’t appear to be a fan of the Grinder’s
-First time working out with Contraband. Nice to hear his Navy background. I would imagine Bombtech’s have crazy stories. Need to get him to Coffeteria with the other Navy guys.
– One Star out front all morning.

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