[last_call] The walking wounded workout

October 11, 2024
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AO: last_call
Q: Fuse Box
PAX: Dana, Falcon, Fuse Box, Punxsy – Shawn Chen, Posse, Premature, J-Woww, Deep Dish
FNGs: None
I believe we had more injured/recovering pax today than healthy. Bum knees, vertigo, ankles, and (checks notes) bunions???? Regardless I wanted to give everyone their moneys worth and repay chatter for my three days of sore legs. Unfortunately he didn’t see the call out to attend (or care).

Opening half mile mosey followed by merkins and stretches.

Mosey to the neighborhood for the still unnamed excercise of jump squat/jump lunge/jump lunge/jump squat. We did five at each light circling the senior community. It felt so good we did it again the opposite way.

Mosey to some curb for 5 Turkish get ups. The complaints started and much like the grinches heart, my evil grin grew.

Bottom on the hill for progressive suicides. Fence jump squats at the bottom and atomic merkins at the top. Progressing reps of 5,10,15,20.

Mosey to Publix and partner up for partner pushes followed by partner pulls. It felt so good I wanted to repeato but Posse reminded me we only had 3 min left so we moseyed to cot.

20 seconds left so we burpeed (that’s a word right) until time.

Moleskin (is that still a thing?)
Great work by the injured pax. Didn’t realize we had so many walking wounded. As someone having one of my rougher injury years I can unfortunately relate.

Glad recalc was away. He would have gotten carpel tunnel with the ticket writing this morning. Me included.

The gap grew from front pax to pax so I pulled a Deadwood and audibled for the front pax to run back and down the hill again. Their comprehension was slow after the atomic merkins which required the ass dragging pax (me) to go back down the hill to grab them.

Asked for a ten count out of Dana and he got Posse’ish on me with merkins instead so I killed that and mosey’ed the pax sans recovery break.

2.4 miles total, a couple gassers for excercises, snuck over 100 merkins in on the pax, and left everyone with wobbly legs. I’d call it a success. The pax in attendance might say otherwise.

Until next time (which may be tomorrow if Popeye ever decides to confirm).