[short_circuit] 17 x 3 = 51

August 2, 2024
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AO: short_circuit
Q: Cliffhanger
PAX: Bratwurst, Kid Rock, Goodfella, Dunkin, Falcon, Paper Jam, Flip Phone, Cliffhanger
FNGs: None
What had happened was: The expression on Bratswurt’s face upon arrival when he realized that Shortcircuit is NOT a gear workout… No matter: he ran those miles up and down and killed the workout like the beast he is.
The Q was determined to get many hill miles with 51 reps of as many exercises as possible. 51 is a tricky number, but fortunately, it is divisible by 3. So we found three locations separated by killer hills and ran among those, stopping only to complete 17 reps of the called exercises: squats and lunges for the legs; merkins, Dry-docks and Mike-Tyson’s for the upper body; big-boys, LBCs, flutter kicks, heals-to-heaven and ‘American hammers for the core.
As custom calls, the site-Qs honoured the SCvQ with the prized Italian headband, followed by coffee and pastries.

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