[the_lycan] Back on the Horse

February 13, 2023
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AO: _Lycan
Q: Two Hand Touch
PAX: Radar, Black Hat, Posse, Dunkin, Jingles, Chainsaw
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Mosey to back of school. Seal jacks, runner’s stretch, calf stretch baby makers  
7’s with burpees at top of stairs, speed skaters at bottom, run up ramp to get back to top.
At awning: Bear crawl>lunge> 20 irkins on planters. Reverse order to come back.
Up to the graveyard, pause to perform some T merkins.  
Down bad idea to basketball court for modified starfish: 10 Tysons, 10 LSS, 10 heels to to heaven, 10 flutters IC with 6 steps ups on concrete barriers after each one.  Back up bad idea, some abs on the way back waiting for the 6.  

Moleskine @Black_Hat did more burpees than he ever wanted to do in his life and probably hated me for it, but powered through like a champion.  @Chainsaw hung tough the whole workout, which used to surprise me because he’s a double respect, but it doesn’t anymore.  @Posse showed up on time.  @Jingles didn’t, but man did he nip at my heels the whole time he was there…he’s clearly taken his fitness to the next level. Radar showed up after only getting a few hrs of sleep, and I think I heard him splash some merlot at some point, but he kept working the whole. Thanks as always to Dunkin for pushing the pace and motivating me to get better. Also, thanks to Posse for asking me to Q and getting me back on the horse, so to speak. Last time I Q’d Lycan I wiped out badly and sprained my ankle. Luckily I walked away unscathed this time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: thought i had recorded these on my phone but didn’t press record, apparently.  Can’t remember  a single one.

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