[the_rock] Happy Birthday, Big Boy!

May 2, 2023
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AO: _Rock
Q: Cliffhanger
PAX: Mayhem, Bunyan, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Lambeau, Penalty Box, Roomba, Butterman, Black Hat, Two Hand Touch, little finger, Cliffhanger
FNGs: None
This morning we crafted a birthday-themed workout to celebrate Rocket’s (Cliffhanger’s big boy) 7th birthday: lots of 7s and lots of big boys. Some of us also started 30 minutes early with a pre-run. Anyway: DICCs were given about one minute from the start, and the birthday party started.
WARMUP: 21 SSHs, 14 Moroccan nightclubs, 14 imperial walkers, and the following sequences of Plank-Like Exercises Mixed with Big Boys (PLEMBBs from now on):
– 7 merkins + 7 bbs
– 7 mountain climbers + 7 bbs
– 7 Peter Parkers + 7 bbs
THE THANG: Weighted sevens, peppered by more PLEMBBs.
A “weighted seven” is one of those 1-6, 2-5, 3-4, 4-3, 5-2, 6-1 sequences where the PAX carry something heavy between two locations. They perform one kind of exercise on one end, and a different exercise on the other end.
First weighted seven: sumo squats + curls
PLEMBBs: Plank jacks + BBs, ins-and-outs + BBs
Second weighted seven: lunges (2 is 1) + triceps extensions
PLEMBBs: hand-release merkins + BBs, skull crushers + BBs
Third weighted seven: upright rows + leg raises
We spent the last minutes on a sequence of core exercises: Big boys (of course) LBCs, flutters, American hammers and J-Los.
MARY: Planked for about 30 seconds on the last weighted seven.
COT: Prayers for Roomba’s dad, John.

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