[wxw_express] Bleacher Mile

September 3, 2024
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AO: wxw_express
Q: Dasher – Jeff Green
PAX: Blue Screen of DEATH, Bottlecap, Dasher – Jeff Green, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Gerber, Hooch – Bret Turner, Rubbermaid, Shania, Smithers, Deflated, Foundation, Rooster, Tuck
FNGs: None
What had happened was:

So no one signed up to Q after my Q last week so I took the spot. Teach those boys to plan a head.

Warm up mosey with some stretching.

Instead of running hills we started by running the bleacher mile followed by 4 x 200. Wrapped up things with 3 shorter bleacher runs with sprints.

Cool down mosey back to COT.

Also used this as some prep for 9/11 tribute workout out coming in a couple weeks.

As you can imagine Bottlecap wasn’t in his typical good mood this morning. All we got was I don’t want to talk about it. :man-shrugging:

This was Rooster’s first time at express and he was :fire: :fire:

Rubbermaid and Driveby just show up to run on flat surfaces.

LRC was back together this as if nothing ever happened.

Blue Screen had the coconut :coconut: oil in full effect.

Gerber’s hammy is feeling better however he was finally smart and didn’t push the 200’s.

Tuck is running day and night with very little recovery. Me Qing 2 weeks in a row got him to sign up and Q his own site next week.
