Pax paired off in twos to run Big Booty Mix.
X15 KB swings
X15 Simbas
X10 Fielder Curls
X20 American Hammers
X20 chest press
In-between each exercise, a progressive run (wind sprints) to Green, Yellow and Red cones. Pairs would rotate during the runs to alternate on agility ladders with the Iggy Shuffle.
Announcements: Convergence tomorrow. Happy birthday to Hoser and congratulations to Madoff for his first full week of F3. Tron still pushing it. Transporter pushing and motivating out there (I see you). Pretty sure I saw Zinfandel and Hollywood dancing to the sicks beats I had lined up while Blue Screen and C3P0 climbed the ladders and balled out! A special thanks to Rain Man for the motivation to Q cowbell. Gerber always takes great photos but doesn’t always get the shovel flag. No worries, I’ll swing by and drop it off. Awesome job.. you guys crushed it!