Exercises: 45sec on / 15sec off. 3 rounds. Round 2 & 3 more weight, more explosive, or double time
1) Chest Press – even with nipples, negative if possible
2) Chest Fly – bottom of wrist/ end of DB hits ground
:30 sec between sets
3) Standing DB Forward Punch and controlled fall
4) Standing Alternating Shoulder Press – double if more weight
:30 sec between sets
5) Lateral Raises – open palm front to pinky high to ear level, alternate, double
6) Front Raises – thumbs up to eye level, alternate, double
:30 sec between sets
7) Skull Crushers – laying down, db beside head
8) Standing Tricep OH Extension – single db
:30 sec between sets
9) Tricep Kickbacks – stand-up and hinge, all 4s, pin elbow, alternate, double
:30 sec between sets
Garmin (Strength( – Increase your Pedal Power – Core, Lower Back, Glutes, Thighs & Hamstrings
:45 on, :15 off – 3 rounds
10) Shifting Side lunge – light weights, legs spread
11) Plank with Knee to Elbow
12) Standing Calf Raise – Block, DB, KB on shoulders / behind neck
Ending Core :60 on:
13) Inchworm Plank – walk hands out (keep legs straight), 1 pushup, walk hands back
14) Single Leg Deadlift – switch to other side after 30 sec
Announcements: upcoming monthly convergence at Waxhaw Express
Penalty Box took us out.