[_playhouse] paying respect to the trails

December 30, 2023
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AO: _playhouse
Q: Cliffhanger
PAX: Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Rockslide, Gerber, Chastain, Turnbuckle – Greg Holencsak, Cutlet, Pyro, Cliffhanger
FNGs: None
4 runners, 4 hikers for the very last workout of the year. Awesome to see a few unusual faces among our pax today, especially considering how tricky the terrain had become after a few days of heavy rain. It was so bad that Gerber had to bring a headlamp (!?). Chastain and Rockslide regaled us with their presence, and they both honored the Trail by “taking a knee,” as protocol demands.

TB and Cutlet led the urban version, and took Pyro on a 3+ ruck around Millbridge.

We all helped further clean up debris where we could. Here and there we saw a few larger logs across the pathway. We’ll monitor in the next few days and, if the town doesn’t act soon, we’ll organize something. Stay tuned!

It’s been an extremely rewarding year in this AO. Let’s take the opportunity to express our immense gratitude to PJ and Kid for their leadership and love for the trails and the trail running community.

See you all next year!

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