[_playhouse] Q-ing from the rear at Hill-bridge

January 16, 2025
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AO: _playhouse
Q: Chicken Little
PAX: Chicken Little, Goodfella, Kid Rock, Posse, Bratwurst, Flip Phone, Rubbermaid, Glidah, Kilo, Paperjam
FNGs: None
What had happened was: I was was super pumped to be back at a running workout and Qing- but I must admit I have slack some on running and it showed. My hope was a fellow Clydesdale or two would be sitting in the parking lot when the chicken arrive to give his DICCs. Unfortunately that was not the case — there is nothing like getting kicked square in the balls at 5:13am when you see Kid Rock Kilo – Gareth Davies Goodfella Rubbermaid Paper Jam Bratwurst Glidah Flip Phone staring at you wanting their daily dose of crack— aka MILES and at a not so comfortable pace—-

We played Chicken ladder games with some interval fast/slow pace running – we Indian ran some and then we came across a solo running with bright lights —- it was Posse who was a few minutes late— SHOCKER!! and then we made a large loop in the hood – everyone logged atleast 6.1 miles and most got 6.5-7.1 with circling backs and doing laps around islands while awaiting the Qs arrival !

Great work boys

Come to Short Circuit tomorrow 5:15-6:15 Walnut Creek clubhouse for a VQ – boot camp with 3 mile minimum— the word on the street is Tuck gets initiated into some sort of badass gang and there also is whispers of Tuck’s balls. Not sure if that is some sort of initiation or a sick twisted game – but it sounds fun!!

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