[mount_x] Bricks & Brains

March 1, 2023
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AO: Mount_X
Q: Posse
PAX: Happy Baby – Steve Eanes, McGruff, Fuse Box, Premature, Loafer, Elmer’s, Roomba, Mayhem, Turnbuckle – Greg Holencsak, Surge – Jim Connell, Rockslide, Draper, Posse
FNGs: None
Drop the blocks by the tent. Run to the backside of Mount X. Find a pile of every brick/paver thing on site.
Each Pax picks 2 bricks & lines them up end to end on the ground, then continues to run up Mount X, down the other side, & back around to the pile. Once all bricks are in a line, continue pattern of picking up the last 2 bricks, running them to the front of the line. Keep going until we made a solid line all the way from one side of X to the other. Some guys tried to cheat & put space between the bricks to finish faster (instead of just running faster) but men like Roomba wouldn’t have it. The habit was in place. This is a good physical illustration of the Q Point: Positive Habit Transfer – f3nation.com/q/positive-habit-transfer/

Each Pax picks 2 bricks & partners up by opposite intelligence in front of the white tent with our blocks. If your partner said something like, “I don’t think he means that,” then he thinks you’re the stoopie.
P1 is carrying the block & touching both curbs on either side of the parking lot before relieving P2.
P2 has 4 bricks he has to get to the other side of the parking lot, but the floor is lava. Figure it out. Multiple methods employed. Difficult to do but fun to watch others struggle.

Run with bricks in opposite directions of the parking lot. When you meet your partner, alternate between Russian Brick Dips & Brickclap Merkins. At each meeting, you can trim off one island.
I ran out of ideas. Circle up to have Pax pick a brick exercise until time.
Ackbar is doing a sermon this Sunday at 9 AM about fitness & faith, incorporating F3 principles into it. For this ONE Sunday, please consider visiting Union Methodist Church to support him. 6315 New Town Rd, Waxhaw, NC 28173
Also where Sanctuary is on Monday nights. Also where there is a massive food give away EVERY Thursday night. The pantry needs tons of food throughout the week, and lots of help on Thursday night. My 11 year old wants to go every week.

Lunch this Friday at Provisions – noon.
107 W South Main St,
Waxhaw, NC 28173
Use these lunches as an opportunity to get a guy who’s fallen off the wagon to come back. Injured? We can spoon feed you.
FNG? Without a doubt, bring that man! Plenty of time to get a solid name after breaking bread with a man.

Fruit Stand – the newest 3rd F opportunity. Bible study on Saturday mornings at 5 Stones office. Easy to do Commitment / Paper Trail & make it there. Kudos that Open Door began having problematic attendance (too many Pax to have meaningful conversation) & had to starfish (create a brand new site). In F3, we call this Addition by Division.

Blood Drive April 1
If you know you can’t make our April date, consider donating at SOB/Area51’s drive THIS Friday (use the same link above).

Firewater at Twinkle Toes’ house (the fun[?] side of Millbridge) on Saturday March 11 in the evening. BYOWhatever
These kinds of 2nd F Fellowship pieces are critical to get to know each other beyond the grunts in the gloom. We’re just gonna sit around a fire. Talking is optional, as are truth and lies.

When you were a child, there came a day when you were picked up by your parents, sat back down, and you were never picked up again. You probably didn’t know that day would be that day. If you have older kids, you have already experienced it (& may not been conscious of that moment until now).
Death is the ultimate stop-doing-things, but this isn’t even about death. Instead, think about the things you do today or this week that, if it was the last time doing it, how would you feel about it?
By the same token, what are some things you don’t want to do again? What can you do to purposefully end a bad habit or bad relationship?

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