[the_lycan] Five-cornered square

September 23, 2024
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AO: the_lycan
Q: Dunkin
PAX: Dunkin, Elmer’s, J-Woww, Deep Dish, Noonan, Hatchet, Rooster, Dana
FNGs: None
Six pax started out with a mosey around the parking lot to give Hatchet some time to drive up and join us.

We then did some warm up exercises and another warmup lap, pointing out the corners of our square-ish route.

Just as we were giving instructions for the next sequence, Site Q Dana drives up so now we’re up to 8 pax. Just in time, too.

We did some very aggressive corners in the following manner:

– Corner 1: 5 burpees
– Corner 2: 10 perfect merkins
– Corner 3: 15 big boy sit-ups
– Corner 4: 20 beautiful squats
– Corner 5 (?): 25 side straddle hops

We did each exercise progressively on the way out and on the way back, so…

– Round 1: Corner 1, Corner 2, Corner 1
– Round 2: Corner 1, Corner 2, Corner 3, Corner 2, Corner 1
– Round 3: Etc.

So, by the end, we ended up with:
– 40 burpees
– 70 perfect merkins
– 75 big boy sit-ups
– 60 beautiful squats
– 25 side straddle hops

We then gathered up to burn out warm up the shoulders (it’s never too late, right?). And finished up with a Jack Web of merkins and air presses. I think we got up to 6 merkins and 24 air presses before it was…time!

Great work gents! Lots of chatter around the upcoming friendly feud between the WaxPax and Marvinites. :muscle: :face_with_cowboy_hat: :facepunch: