[the_rock] My pain is your...pain

November 28, 2023
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AO: the_rock
Q: Chastain
PAX: Chastain, Deadwood, Penalty Box, Roomba, Catfish, Sun Drop, Black Hat, Mayhem, Premature, Tulip, Animal
FNGs: None
I pulled my hip flexor playing ultimate frisbee on Saturday. My plan was to take the week off but when Two Hand asked if I’d Q The Rock I grabbed it in a hurry, knowing I could put the hurting on everyone without using legs at all.

With the temperature at 30 I was surprised to have 11 pax show up to a non-running site. We had enough for a good penguin huddle if we’d gotten too cold but we warmed up REAL QUICK so it wasn’t needed. Maybe next time…

Side Straddle Hops

The Albatross (10 reps in cadence)
Never put your arms down!
-10 Little Baby Arm Circles (LBAC)
-10 Reverse LBACs
-10 Moroccan Night Clubs
-10 Light Bulbs

5 Rounds of 10 Reps each (all in cadence)
-Mike Tysons
-Dry Docks
-Shoulder Taps
-Mountain Climbers
-Makhtar Ndiaye

The Albatross (10 reps in cadence)

-Chest Presses
-Big Bois

The Albatross (10 reps in cadence)

5 Rounds of 10 Reps each (all civilian count)
-Shoulder Presses
-Tricep Extensions
-Bent Over Rows
-Staggered Merkins

The Albatross (20 reps in cadence)

Merkin Circle to finish out the last few minutes

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