[swarm] Tricking perceived rock thieves

February 17, 2023
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AO: Swarm
Q: Schnitzel
PAX: Schnitzel, Mute, Gerber, Posse, Transporter, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Cliffhanger, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Seabass- Tim Carey
FNGs: None
WARMUP: mosey to shed, SSH, Moroccan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers, Transporter joined. Mosey up the bus parking lot to the other side, up the stairs underneath the awning. Potato pickers, Mountain Climbers, calf stretch, runner stretch, downward dog, upward dog.
THE THANG: mosey to roundabout, plank on curb. 10 moves to the right, 5 merkins, 10 moves to the left, 5 merkins. A total of 3 times
Mosey to upper parking lot.
Progressive 4 corners with decreasing built a burpee: 20 ins and outs, 15 merkins, 10 bobby hurleys, 5 burpees. I think both Gerber and Transporter escaped for a small break.
Mosey to rock pile, rifle carry a rock back to the parking lot. Take your rock to the first line, 2 merkins, leave the rock, mosey back to curb, 5 squats, mosey to rock and get it to the next (2.) line, do 4 merkins,… all the way to the end.
Bring your rock back to the starting curb… Pssst… but: I had no other use for the rocks after that but thought to keep them there and bring them back at the end of the workout, before heading to COT. Well, Deadwood stole them and I was happy about it because we wouldn‘t need to bring them back anymore… hmm,… I guess the Waxhaw people are too nice because they brought them back again and lined them up nicely! 🙈
Mosey to the middle of the parking lot. Starfish: 3 Burpees in the middle, in the corners: 15 Speed Skaters (2 is 1), 10 Big Boys, 10 Mike Tysons, 20 Freddy Merkuries (1 is 1). Total of 2 rounds! Transporter escaped again…
Decreasing Sister Mary Catherine’s snake if death across the parking lot. Start with 10 in the corner, mosey to the other side, do 9, mosey back to the other side but one island down, do 8,…
Put them rocks back and mosey to the Shed.
20 airpresses and 20 jabs, sitting against the wall.
Mosey back to COT
MARY: weather was perfect and the workout was harder than expected! I guess that’s my own fault! 🙈 thanks for coming out today and start that Friday off in a perfect way!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: see Impromptu
COT: see Impromotu

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