[_bike] CableGuy's EPIC Gap Jump and Carbload's ENDO

September 11, 2024
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AO: _bike
Q: Endo , Bratwurst, Tron, Rag
PAX: Falcon, Gerber, Titanium Plates, Bratwurst, Stickers, Magnolia, Rockwell, Drydock, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Kick Stand, Maple Syrup, Mullet/David, Tron, Cableguy, Rag, Juice, Carb Load, Hall Monitor, Endo, Speedbump, Shamrock,, Jamie Dunn (Breeze)
FNGs: 1 Jamie Dunn (Breeze)
What had happened was: Twenty-Two strong PAX, 3rd week in the row of 20+. Three groups A,B,C, led by Bratwurst Rag and Tron respectively. Bratwurst took a different route than typical by staring with an outter loop including cutty, around poco, and back through the return loop to near COT. At a perfect half way point 30 minutes in Titanium Plates took the helm of Group A and we beelined for Lenny. Groups B and C took more typical loops and had a pleasant incident free shreds. We were really pleased to have FNG “Breezey”, originally from New York way back in the day join us. Titanium Plates and Magnolia led Group A through all kinds of mayhem including a new gap jump that was impressive. Everyone was by passing the gap jump except Magnolia, and Cableguy who didn’t realize he was on the gap jump line. Fortunately Cableguy cleared the gap, but crashed on the other side just due to not expecting it, and maybe not being at the correct speed. Carb Load was not going to be shown up by Cableguy and straight up Endoed, actually even better and was all the way OTB (Over the Bars) after the gamp jump. And this is after Carb Load literally doing a front wheel manual (wheelie) over a tall log earlier on the ride. Southern Tip – Brent held on but was very clear about his regrets in joining Group A, it seemed like a good idea until we got out in the trails. No PAX were hurt (at least seriously) during this session, and don’t try this stuff at home. Back at COT we took a moment of silence to honor the fallen on 9/11/01 (Let’s NEVER FORGET) and as is typical hung out enjoying each others company way too long after (causing there to be annoyed wives and families across union county).

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