[asylum] Peanut Butter and Jelly

May 1, 2023
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AO: Asylum
Q: Recalc- Keith Balaniz
PAX: Zinfandel, Blue Screen, ChatterBox, Cliffhanger, Elmer’s, Loafer, Mute, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Smokey
FNGs: None
Mosey loop around parking lot and hickory tavern ssh and lss.
Finish warm up with 3 rounds of 3 exercise complex step ups, dips, derkins.  Reps by round 14,20,25  – get the blood pumping
head over to neighborhood behind petsmart
Grab a battle buddy
Oh wait a sandbag was waiting for us
This will be called pbnJ;
Circle to circle on Blackwood Lane.
20 bomb jacks at the circles, 5 burpees at first intersection and 10 Mike Tyson’s at second intersection.
Sandbag would move from circle to circle with each turn by a battle buddy team.
Keep pace with your battle buddy going back and forth and when u see the sandbag waiting for you run it to the other circle.
Each team got in a round.

Head to Target parking lot with an Indian run. Up front has the sand bag – person in back drops for a burpee.

At target lot
Go across lot at 3 slots for hand release merkins 1.2,3 next 4.5.6
Sand bag carry rotate
Did same with plank jacks
Indian run to COT- bag passed back
Some miscommunication on what an Indian Run is.

Did an ab web at various stops

Blue Screen friend Kurt passed away – had been battling cancer(?)- was set to visit him today- but….
Wtf this Saturday lots of options to participate and assist

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