[body_shop] Low Mileage, High Rep

February 8, 2024
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AO: body_shop
Q: Fuse Box
PAX: Fuse Box, Penalty Box, Blueberry, Strawberry, Hatchet, Das Boot, Roomba, Mayhem, Lambeau, Deadbolt, Sun Drop, Point Break
FNGs: None
I’ve been told no one cares to read what workout we actually did so I will keep it short. A basketball foot injury has kept me slow and back of the pack lately. The modified 5.2 miles at Exlaxstravaganza apparently aggrivated it. So after lots of rest this week today was my first day back out and I warned the site Q’s that the mileage would be low.

We warmed up, did some body weight exercises, rock exercises, used the swings and gaga pit, and finished off our abs nicely with 5 minutes of gas pumpers and LBC’s.

– Great to see Blueberry becoming a regular. Keep coming out and bring some of those Hunter Oaks fartsacker’s with you.
– Speaking of Hunter Oak’s fartsackers, Deadbolt has been showing up on the Kotter’s list lately. Glad to see him back out.
– Das ever present with his dry sense of humor and one liners.
– Hatchet being the consumate site Q warning of incoming lunch ladies.
– Apparently beating my team in church ball wasn’t enough for him because Point Break was out front today crushing this workout.
– Pax warned of the icy gaga pit and the gaga jump overs quickly became prison squats. Thanks for keeping the Q honest.
– Shout out to Dough Boy who’s god awful jack web of overhead pull and presses made it out today. Unlike his workout at Mt. X, we got in all 10/40 reps and it sucked.
– Can’t comment on the Masher’s, but I didn’t see the HC’ed Deep Dish there. The bed must have been warm this morning.

Convergence tomorrow
Effees tomorrow night