[cowbell] Bawitdabaw ba danga dang diggy diggy

June 26, 2024
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AO: cowbell
Q: Kid Rock
PAX: Chastain, 2xT, Rain Man, Dasher – Jeff Green, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Blue Screen, Falcon, Afterburn, Deadwood, Singlet – Justin Nelson, C3P0, Tron, Flip Phone, Madoff
FNGs: None
YHC was stoked to be leading a workout East of the Providence line for the first time in almost 2 years.
An early arrival was in store to get the lay of the land and research the virgin ground to determine proper game plan.
Station signs got set, music started bumpin, and we were ready to get moving-
Disclaimer was given, and we were off… Maybe even 30 seconds early…
Quick mosey around the PetSmart building and back to grab the PAX “toys”
Grab your bells and farmer’s carry over to Hickory Tavern entrance for some circuit fun!
6 stations were set up around the landscape box- YHC gave quick breakdown
5 rounds
6 stations ea round
45 sec on
15 sec to get to the next station
Round 1: (Lower body)
– Goblet Squats
– Glute bridge
– Mary Katherine’s (brutal with a KB!)
– Single leg deadlift
– Step ups
– Low Squat shuffle
Sprint to PetSmart intersection and back

Round 2: (upper body)
– KB Merkins
– Single arm Thrusters
– Overhead tricep extension
– Alternating High plank rows
– Alternating bicep curls
– Lawnmowers
Sprint to PetSmart intersection and back

Round 3: (core work)
– Overhead extension to big boy
– Windshield Wipers
– KB American Hammers
– High plank pull through
– KB flutter kicks
– KB sit and Press
Sprint to PetSmart intersection and back

Repeat Round 1
Repeat Round 2
Farmer’s Carry back right on time for COT

Great work from all PAX! I really enjoyed leading the group today and definitely need to be back to such a great AO!